Exness TradingView is a hot topic that investors are interested in. This is essentially a tool to support traders in market research. From there, find the most accurate and effective investment direction. To better understand this type of account, please read immediately what EX Trading shares in the article below.
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ToggleOverview of Exness TradingView
First, let’s learn the basic information about this type of account.

What is Exness TradingView?
This is actually a browser-based platform that offers useful tools. Support investors in the process of analyzing the market and making informed decisions.
According to research, one of the leading reasons for investment losses among traders is the lack of tools and knowledge to analyze the market and make appropriate investment choices. That’s why TradingView was developed to provide a variety of features and tools. From there, increase your chances of winning in transactions.
>>>See more: Exness Trading: Discover the best trading platform
Exness TradingView interface and structure
The TradingView interface is considered to have a scientific and intuitive design. The layout is clearly arranged, in each section, making it easy for investors to access. Besides, TradingView can also connect with all traders who have the same passion for financial research.
Once inside, you will find the search toolbar. This will be the section to help you find certain resources in TradingView. Below are charts that provide data in easy-to-read formats. You can view and interact directly on the chart in a simple way.
Exness TradingView account types
TradingView on Exness is divided into 2 different accounts: free account and paid account. specific:
What’s special about the free Exness TradingView account?
This is a basic, widely used account type. When registering, investors will be able to use the most basic features. Besides, there will be a few limitations such as: Ads often appear, can only be accessed on 1 device, and cannot use more than 3 indicators,…
But if you are a new investor and don’t know anything about TradingView, choose to practice on the free version to get familiar with the interface and become proficient in using the basic features. You can then upgrade your account if needed. The TradingView fee will be deducted by the exchange monthly or annually.
Premium Exness TradingView account
This type of account is divided into 3 different levels. specifically: Pro account, Pro+ account, and Premium account. Each account package will have different fees. In particular, the Premium account will have the highest fee of $49.95/month or $599.4/year.

With this account, there will be a variety of different usage features. There will be features that even Pro and Pro+ accounts will be limited in use.
Why should traders use Exness TradingView?
Exness TradingView possesses many advantages and benefits for investors. The most prominent advantages include the following two advantages:
Playback mode
specifically, on the TradingView chart, there is a feature called reading mode or replay mode. This mode will have the function of going back to a specific time in the past and replaying that chart.
With this feature, it will help investors retrieve past charts when future price movements cannot be detected.
Warning settings
The Exness TradingView account allows investors to set alerts on values. For example: Price or indicators. When the alert conditions are met, you will receive an email or pop-up notification. Thus, investors will be able to make timely responses to market changes. From there, make the correct changes and decisions.
How to connect Exness with TradingView quickly
Below are detailed instructions on how to connect Exness to TradingView extremely simply and quickly. Specifically:
- Step 1: Go to Exness.com and log in to your existing account
- Step 2: Access TradingView and log in to your account.

- Step 3: At TradingView, go to “Open chart” in the right corner of the screen > Then select the “Choose broker” icon.
- Step 4: The system will display a series of different brokers. Just click on Exness and select “Connect”.
- Step 5: At this point, the system will switch to the Exness login channel. You need to provide email and password information to log in successfully.
>>>See more: Create Exness Account: Instructions for on your phone
After successfully connecting, investors will see the “Transaction” icon appear in the right corner of the chart. Just click on this icon and the system will immediately open the trading dashboard.
Here, you can freely choose the product type, quantity, order type, and price to place a buy or sell order. In addition, you can also set Stop Loss, Take Profit, or Trailing Stop for your orders.
Immediately after that, the screen will display detailed information as requested. Investors can adjust or cancel orders depending on their own strategies.
Note: If you cannot connect Exness to TradingView, it is best to contact the Exness support team for assistance.
Some tips for using TradingView to trade Exness effectively
To achieve the best results when connecting Exness to TradingView, you can refer to the following tips:
- Choose to display a series of time frames: To do this, you just need to open the time frames section. Then, choose the timeframe that you usually use for analysis. Right on the left side will display the line “Add to favorites”. You just need to click on this item to complete the time frame display request.
- Turn off the event information feature: On the map, right-click. Next, select Settings > go to Events and uncheck “Show events. Finally, click OK to complete.
- Divide the chart: In the “Choose layout” section, you will choose the chart layout you want. Can be divided by 2, 3, or 4.
- Move a specific time period of the day: Investors just need to click on the word “Go” and a time period will appear. Then, select the date and time the graph moves to and select the blue arrow to end.
Above is all information about Exness TradingView and how to link between Exness and TradingView. Hopefully, this article help will investors know another tool to support trading. What are you waiting for? Go to Exness and link your account today. Wishing investors success and don’t forget to follow EX Trading ‘s next articles for more useful information.
Frequently questions asked
Exness TradingView is quite new to new investors. Below are a few frequently asked questions when connecting Exness to TradingView. Refer now to update more useful news.
Is TradingView a broker?
The answer is NO. This is just a charting platform and integrates with brokers like Exness to assist investors during trading sessions.
Can TradingView be downloaded to a phone/computer device?
Have. Currently, you can easily download TradingView to your computer for convenient monitoring and observation. Investors can install it on both Android and IOS platforms on phones and computers for free.
How to make your Exness TradingView account ad-free?
To remove annoying ads, you can choose 2 ways. Method 1 is to upgrade your free account to a paid account.
Method 2: Visit Chrome > press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + I and select Elements. Next, press the key combination Ctrl + Shift + C and find the ad display box, find the element name, and select Hide Elements so this ad will no longer appear.